Gallery Projects Contact


Gallery Page Content

All images displayed in the gallery page are under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license, If you wish to use any images not covered by the CC BY-NC-SA license, feel free to contact me via email for further information and permissions.


We Use Oxanium as the Default Font, this font is used under the guideline provided by Google Fonts or the Creator of this Font, see the Licence and other Information from here.
Tsumugi is used as the "fancy" font and used by it self and not mixed with Oxanium so should be used one or the other.
this is a Free font and used under the given guidelines, the source and information of the font can be found from here.

Other Assets

This site contains slightly modified Icons from Google Fonts and Originals can be found from here.
The modified Icons are under Apache License Version 2.0 as stated in the licence but I will not distribute the modified Icons